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Sacred Womb Healing

Heal at the place of creation

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The most sacred place on earth lies within the body of a woman


About Us

The cry of the divine feminine for healing has become deafening. Over the years, I have become acutely aware of the growing number of clients with blocked sacral portals, leading to an increased demand for womb healing sessions. Every woman I see for energy work exhibits womb trauma at some level. From pre-teens to mature women, womb healing is required. Thus, the creation of the Sacred Womb Healer, a division of AK Healing, was born.


The sacral or womb chakra is the place of all creation, from children to the incubation of creative ideas, it is the place of all life. It is where our healing, sexual, and creative energies dwell - as it is all the same energy. When women are blocked and damaged in this sacred place, their life reflects this.


'When we heal our sacred womb, women are birthed anew. The environment of our womb is then conducive for all the beauty and growth required to transform our worlds and bring forth pure creative expression, the ability to experience exquisite levels of pleasure, to heal fully, and to return home to the place of all creation.'

- Alana Keddie-


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why sacred womb healing?


fertility issues, pregnancy, traumatic birth, abortion, miscarriage, sexual abuse, disconnection from pleasure, carrying partners energy, connect to sex, hereditary womb trauma, blocked creativity, repressed sexuality, lacking passion, hip/lower back pain, Generational mothering, Motherhood, Menstrual cycles, menopause, and more...




Sacred Womb Healing

Sacred Womb Healing

Recognizing the womb as a sacred space, the portal of all feminine intuition and spiritual intelligence, is to awaken to the true nature of being a woman. The first step to true healing is to understand how damage to this space can affect the life and well-being of a woman. Women carry trauma and blockages in their sacred womb, this has detrimental effects on their life. Trauma can accumulate due to sexual abuse, sexual partners that carry poor intentions and trauma in their energy field, miscarriages, abortions, childbirth, etc...


With sacred womb healing, these factors that may be blocking the sacral portal can be lifted and removed, providing full restoration to a woman. This will open her sacred center- her core of all creation and creative expression. Releasing her full feminine energy whilst awakening her divine sexual energy and essence. Allowing her sacred healing energy to flow with a natural rhythm throughout her being.



Swift Center

630 S. Orange Ave

Sarasota FL 34236



Tel: 941-735-1294


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©2023 by Sacred Womb Healer, a division of AK Healing LLC.

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